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Petry Martyna, Antyczny poeta amator i poeta narodowy w wybranych wierszach France'a Prešerena (The ancient motif of 'poeta amator' and the national poet in selected poems of France Prešeren), Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe IFS UJ, 2(6), 2014, s.5-18,

Petry Martyna, Emocje matki w "De raptu Proserpinae" Klaudiana (Mother's feelings in Claudian's 'De raptu Proserpinae'), Studia Classica et Neolatina, 14, 2016, s.111-119.

Petry Martyna, Obraz bogiń w wersach II 15-54 "De raptu Proserpinae" Klaudiana (The portrayal of the goddesses in verses II 15-54 of Claudian's 'De raptu Proserpinae'), Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium, 25, 1, 2015, s.55-70,