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Gorzelany Dorota, Devicta Brittania. Fragment of a Roman sword scabbard in Krakow, Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization, 15, 2011, s.219-228.

Gorzelany Dorota, Sceny dionizyjskie w zbiorach Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie, [w:] D. Musiał, Dionizos w Rzymie, TW Historia Iagellonica, Kraków 2009, ss.s.n., (Mediterraneum t. VI red. Sławomir Sprawski).

Gorzelany Dorota, The art of re-creation: terracotta statuettes and their copies. About one 'Tanagra' from the Princes Czartoryski Museum, Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization, 16, 2012, s.213-221.